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Teaching Kids Self Love

Paul Steiner • February 13, 2020

From Toddlers to Teenagers - kids can learn to be more confident, have more self-esteem and better emotional intelligence when taught self love!

Toddlers: Love thyself and they will, too
Parents are the first role models a child will have in their life. Whether you’re aware of it or not, they are going to be following behind you, absorbing everything they see. They watch and learn - even when you take a moment to smile at yourself in the mirror - do you like what you see? They will too if you teach them that message. Before asking your husband or others how you look next time, or make a self-deprecating comment consider having these moments in private, or better yet - not at all. When you express confidence, not only in your looks and feelings, but in the way you feel - kids will learn the same.  It may seem difficult, but your toddler is not just observing your physical movements, they’re also listening to you speak.


Talk to your toddlers about all the positive aspects that make them unique. Talk about how exercising is good for your bones and strengthens all the muscles in the body. The more you speak positively to them about their body, the more it will reinforce your own positive self-image. And, when you are done talking, take some selfies! Taking pictures with your child demonstrates that you aren’t afraid to capture yourself on camera—that you are confident and happy with yourself and being there with them in the moment.

Young children: Establishing healthy habits
So often, food and body image go hand-in-hand. And, between work and looking after a family, caring for oneself has the ability fall lower on the list of priorities. When one doesn’t find time to exercise or cook meals that fuel their bodies and make them feel their best, negative feelings can slip in. That said, a personal struggle with food or physical activity doesn’t need to be inherited by a child. Try to find the time to take care of yourself physically and emotionally, but also make time to create multiple opportunities for your children to interact with food in a healthy way. Below, are a few specific tips:
  • Let them tell you when they are full
  • Set an example by eating your fruits and vegetables
  • Teach them about vitamins and minerals
  • Cook with your child, and learn to love the amazing flavors that can be created with healthy ingredients
Tweens: Don’t ground them before take-off
Imagine for a second the following scenario: Your daughter is preparing to enter high school, and you casually ask what she wants to do when she grows up. She replies, “I want to be an astronaut.” Back when she was five, that answer may not have been surprising. Now, she is 12, and while you didn’t necessarily think she had a clear-cut plan for her future, this answer may have caught you off-guard. If you choose to tell her that the odds are slim, or offer some alternative options, you may believe you’re navigating around what could potentially detour her from her eventual full-time career.

What your daughter may hear instead, however, is: “My parents don’t think I can do it. So, why should I?” Your child very well could be an astronaut. Someone out there is going to do it, and it could be your youngster. 

That said, no matter if they are a son or daughter make sure to:
  • Encourage your kids to pursue their dreams, no matter what age they are. 
  • If either you're son OR daughter  is the one aspiring to become an astronaut, encourage them to take science electives in high school, or to join the math club. 
  • Be your child's cheerleader and their advocate. 
  • Expose them  to as many opportunities as you can. 
Your child is the one who gets to decide what they are and aren't capable of. Whether they actually become an astronaut or not is irrelevant. Your child is going to fall down and pick themselves back up many times throughout their entire life. The important part, as a parent, is that you don’t ground your children before take-off.

Teenagers: Money vs. self-love
When dropping your kids off at school, does it matter what car you are driving? Do you want or need that expensive item? What do you believe you will gain by purchasing it? Expensive buying habits have the ability to be an unconscious act to fill a void. An individual may be subconsciously looking to define their self-worth based on the value of material posessions. That’s not everyone, and that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to buy themselves nice things, but one may need to consider the reasons why.

If you do decide to buy a new, high-end car, it might also be wise to think about the teenager that may be influenced by the purchase. Try and remind yourself and your child that you worked hard for this car, and that they, too, can earn the things they want. Money should be spent in a responsible manner, and material items do not define one’s self-worth. It’s an important lesson to remind both yourself and your kids, and to discuss when the time is appropriate.

Remember: parenting lasts a lifetime
Whether your children are toddlers or teenagers, chances are they won’t tell you that they look up to you, or that they care what you say. But, the odds are they still think of you as their hero, and what you say and do will continue to make an impact on their lives. So, take some time to think about your self-image and how it might affect how you parent in different situations. Remind yourself to be conscious and provide positive associations related to your own body, mind, and soul, alongside theirs. Raise your children to be a better version of yourself and chances are, it will rub off on your own personal views of self-love.

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